Thursday 15 May 2014

It's a small world after all

     I find when I'm at home, the world seems so big. Far away places seem as though they aren't even part of the same world. But travelling shows you how small the world really is. I can be surfing in Portugal one day, and if I wanted to (though I don't, sorry mom) I could be back in Canada tomorrow.

     When I look up at the sky, no matter where on earth I am, I'm always looking at the same sun. The same moon. Grass smells the same, wind feels the same. We all share these things. Every one of us.
   People are the same everywhere too. They may speak a different language, have a different colour of skin and a different way of dressing, but they are the same. Elderly couples, young families, teenage boys with their pants around their knees. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, friends, lovers. Humans.

     With this realization comes the knowledge that I belong everywhere. I may speak a different language, have a different colour skin, or dress differently. I may sometimes feel as though I am out of place. But I'm not. I belong everywhere. There are people like me everywhere. In every country in the world is someone that would like to be my friend and me theirs.

     We are all citizens of this earth. Suddenly, these places don't seem so foreign. Suddenly, it seems impossible to feel homesick. How could I? I am home.

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