Wednesday 25 June 2014

Every Minute of It

I recently came across a saying on facebook or pinterest or somewhere that said "Be in love with your life, every minute of it." And at the time I thought that sounded nice so I liked it or repinned it or maybe both. Today, as I was sitting on the ground after teaching some new and old friends a yoga class in the park in the beautiful sunshine, that saying suddenly popped into my head. I thought, "This is what it feels like to be so utterly in love with your life. This right here."
  Then the second half of the saying came up. "Every minute of it." That's where it gets difficult. Of course I'm in love with my life right now. I'm in a beautiful place surrounded by beautiful people without a care in the world except where I'm going to sleep Monday night (I should maybe care, but I don't). The hard part is being in love with your life when you're almost done a 13 hour shift and about to lock the doors when a table walks in and orders coffee. Or that dreaded minute when you're in the middle of an argument and you realize you're wrong. You have to love these minutes too.
   I think the trick lies in soaking up the moments when it comes easily. When you feel truly content and happy, bask in it. Stop for a moment and really notice it. Remember it. Then when you are struggling to remember why life is so great, just try to remember that feeling. Remember that it exists, then go one step further and try to recreate it in your body and spirit. Regardless of circumstance. Because sometimes we forget that this entire life is a gift. The best gift we will ever receive. Every minute of it.

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