Wednesday 12 March 2014

Dear Self,

You are enough. You do enough. You are constantly bombarded with people telling you what you should be doing. Know that these are suggestions. They are things people have found that work for them in their lives. You can’t do it all, nor should you feel as though you have to. Try new things, but remember that what you do is what works for you and it is enough.

You are plenty. Every single thought you have, decision you make, and action you perform are what makes up you. Don’t forget that you are an individual soul. Other people influence you, things influence you, but you will never be exactly like anyone else and no one else will be exactly like you. There are infinitely many little things that make up you, and each one is as important as the next. Don’t under value yourself. You are so much.

You are everything. The entire universe is within you. Everything beautiful in the world is beautiful because it acts as a mirror, reflecting your own beauty back to you. You just have to realize it.

 You are enough, you are plenty, you are everything.

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