Sunday 6 April 2014

Happiness Now

Wanting wanting wanting. We always want what we don't have. That new fancy car, that hot guy always flirts with you at yoga class, a fitter body, longer hair, nicer skin, the list goes on and on.
The funny thing is, once we get these things, they never seem so important anymore. You save up for years. You say, "I'll be happy when I get that car." And when you finally do get it, maybe you're excited for a while. You feel great driving around in it. But eventually the excitement wears off. And soon, it's just your car and you're wanting something else. You tell yourself "I'll be happy when I have that."
The problem is that we are always projecting our happiness into the future. We are never satisfied with the present moment. The truth is, nothing in the external world can make us happy. If we continue to seek happiness from the external world, we will continue to be disappointed. True happiness is within you, and it exists all the time.
Of course, you can't change the habit of wanting over night. We've spent our entire lives seeking happiness in possessions. But next time you think, "I'll be happy when...," just pause for a minute. Will you really? Or will it give you a temporary thrill, soon to be followed by a want of something else? Stop and think of all the amazing things you have in life. Think of how truly lucky you are just to wake up every morning. Begin to practice gratitude. Seek the happiness that is in every moment of every day. It exists. It's there. You just have to feel it.

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